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2-11-10 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of February 11, 2010
51 Chapman Street, East Hartford, CT 06108

Chair Howe called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:05 p.m. in Room 12 of the Cultural Center.  

PRESENT:  Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie;  Judy Okeson;  
                      Betty Russell; Dan Russell; Florence Schroeter; Prescille Yamamoto.
ABSENT:    Regina Barall (excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused); Maureen Rodgers;
                      John Ryan; Sue Tukey (excused).
II.   MINUTES           

MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                Seconded by Betty Russell
                To approve the minutes of January 14, 2010.
Chair Howe distributed a copy of the letter she sent to CitySingers.  

Information was received from the following:
                - Marissa Giglio, thanking the Commission for the Mini-Grant Award.
Glynis McKenzie reported there will be an organ concert at St. Johns Church on March 27 at 1:00 p.m.  Discussion was held as to whether the Fine Arts Commission should co-sponsor this event.  

MOTION          By Terry Blackstone
                        Seconded by Prescille Yamamoto
                        To co-sponsor the organ concert at St. Johns Church in the amount of $250.
                        And to place an ad in the East Hartford Gazette for $100.
Florence Schroeter reported the Bisaccia program will be recording unpublished works of Gershwin.  Paul Biscaccia stated he will be doing a PBS special and his CDs are available on  He is looking forward to returning to East Hartford in May.  Florence reported she has spoken with Jerry Schienfieldt in reference to arranging the piano tuning and the Women’s Guild at the church will be doing refreshments.
        Photography                                             No report at this time. 
        Film Series                                                     
Glynis McKenzie reported that “Rumba” will be the next film on Saturday, March 6.  She will be doing an ad for the East Hartford Gazette.   

Glynis reported that approximately 60 people attended the screening of “Katyn.”  There was a small group film discussion after the showing.

Terrye Blackstone reported that the Art League is working on a logo for the new website.  She reported there will be a Pop Art demonstration on February 21.  Guest artist will be Neil LeFevre.  She requested using the Fine Arts Commission room for the demonstration because the Art League meeting space is unusable at this time.

MOTION          By Terry Blackstone
                Seconded by Betty Russell
                To pay a $100 honorarium to Neil Lefevre.
                Approved (one abstention – Prescille Yamamoto).

Glynis McKenzie contacted the New Britain Museum of American Art.  The membership fee is $250.    

MOTION          By Prescille Yamamoto
                        Seconded by Florence Schroeter
                        To continue membership to the New Britain Museum of American Art for $250 yearly.

        Children’s Programs                                             
Chair Howe reported on behalf of Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien.  She reported that Hilde has been in contact with Bea Piersa and will be scheduling a program over April vacation with resident artist Donald Boudreaux.  She suggested the Commission investigate the possibility of having a trip to the Wadsworth.  More information will follow.

        Dance                                                           No report at this time.                                                         
Chair Howe reported the EHSYF will be sponsoring a cabaret entitled “Starry Night of Love Songs” on May 1, 2010.  More information will follow.

The contract was received from New York and “Kiss Me Kate” will be performed in the summer.
Auditions will be held at the EHCCC.

EHSYF production management is working with the high school for the “Bye Bye Birdie” production being held on March 25, 26, 27.

Terrye Blackstone met with Goodwin College President Mark Scheinberg to discuss having works exhibited at Goodwin College.  He is looking forward to the collaboration.  Terrye will be meeting with Ray Johnson to discuss this project using historical importance of East Hartford.  It has not been decided as to what medium will be used (photography, paintings, drawings.)

Betty Russell is pleased that we are receiving thank you notes from the schools that were awarded the grant.

Betty Russell reported that participants were enthusiastic with the various events held in December.  She stated the program was successful.
        Betty Russell recommended the Commission contact MCC because they have an active Poetry Club.

VI.    OLD BUSINESS                                            
  • Encumbrance of funds
Discussion was held on the encumbrance of funds.  The Commission will be receiving a new printout of the        budget report.

  • Re-appointment of Commissioners
Letters were received from Mayor Currey reappointing the following members to the Fine Arts
        Karen  Howe
        Hilde Mayranen O’Brien
        Dan Russell
        John Ryan

        Theresa Godreau (clerk fee for February 2010)                   $   80.00
        New Britain Museum of American Art                              $  250.00
        Neil Lefevre (Art Demonstration)                                        $  100.00
        Organ Concert (Music)                                           $  250.00
        Gazette (Ad for Organ Concert)                                  $  100.00
MOTION  By Betty Russell
                Seconded Dan Russell
                To approve payment of the bills as submitted.

XI.     MEMBER’S CONCERNS                                       
        Judy Okeson reported there is a Rembrandt Exhibit at the Wadsworth.
Prescille Yamamoto reported that she attended the program at Hartford Stage and went to see the Lion King at the Bushnell.  She encouraged members to attend these performances.

MOTION  By Florence Schroeter
                Seconded  Glynis McKenzie
                To adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m.